Foret Farmとは?
私達は岡山県でオーガニック農産物を専門とする商社です。有機JAS認証を取得し、自社農園と提携するパートナー農家と共に、無農薬・無化学肥料にこだわった青果および加工食品を生産 しています。地域の豊かな自然環境を活かし、安全・安心で健康的な食品を提供できるように頑張っています。
「体と心はあなたの食べたものでできている」という信念のもと、Foret Farmは健康と心のバランスを意識した食品の大切さを提案しています。栄養のバランスが崩れることは心身の不調につながります。しっかりバランスのとれた食事を心掛けることで健康を促進し、充実した人生をサポートします。有機栽培のこだわりは、私たちが日々口にする食べ物の安全性と品質を大切に考えているからです。
Foret Farmの経営理念は「誰かの人生を支える食品づくり」です。当たり前のことを丁寧に大切にしながら、皆様の健康のために新しい作物や食品の開発に挑戦し続けます。今後ともForet Farmをよろしくお願いいたします。
Hello, I’m Shinshirou Watanabe of Foret Farm. Thank you for visiting our website. Foret Farm is an organic agricultural product company based in Okayama Prefecture, known as the “Sunny Country.” We hold an organic JAS certification and, together with our own farm and partner farmers, we are committed to producing and providing fruits, vegetables, and processed foods grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
About the Representative
Masashiro Watanabe worked various part-time jobs and as a salaried employee in Osaka from the age of 19 to 29, after which he aspired to become a trading company professional and moved to Australia. There, he became enthralled with a farm cultivating melons and butternut squash on expansive lands. Over three and a half years of traveling around Australia, he engaged in various agricultural works and was deeply impressed by the importance of organic vegetables and people’s attitudes toward food. Afterward, he traveled around Southeast Asia to explore food cultures and agriculture, then studied abroad in the United States to obtain a trade qualification. After seven and a half years abroad, he returned to Japan in 2014 to start farming on unused agricultural land at his family home.
Message to Our Customers
We cherish the philosophy that “your body and mind are made from what you eat.” More than just a meal, nutrition-conscious eating is the foundation of health. Imbalance in nutrition can affect both mind and body, so we are committed to providing safe and healthy foods through organic farming. Because it’s what we consume every day, it’s important to be mindful of health.
Business Philosophy
Under the philosophy of “creating food that supports someone’s life,” we place great importance on the everyday basics. To support everyone’s health, we continuously and proactively challenge ourselves to develop new crops and food products. We appreciate your continued support for Foret Farm.
販売業者 | Foret Farm |
販売責任者 | 渡邊真志郎 Shinshiro Watanebe |
所在地 | 〒710-0145 岡山県倉敷市福江59 Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture Fukue 59 |
TEL/FAX | 090-6839-2703 |
メールアドレス | |
サイト名 | Foret Farm |
ホームページ | |